25 Memoria de Gestión Anual COP 2019 REPRESENTANTES INTERNACIONALES w EFPA w REPRESENTANTE RENUEVA EAWOP - European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Don José M. Peiró Silla Doña Lourdes Munduate Jaca w IUPsyS - INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE Don José María Prieto Zamora Don José M. Peiró Silla Doña Mª Paz García Vera (SUBGRUPO) w WFMH – World Federation for Mental Health Don Francisco Santolaya Ochando Don Manuel Berdullas Temes w ISPA – International School Psychology Association Don Josep Vilajoana i Celaya w ITC - INTERNATIONAL TEST COMMISSION Don José Muñiz Fernández REPRESENTANTES EFPA – BOARD -STANDING w EFPA – Board of Scientific Affairs Don José María Prieto Zamora w EFPA - Board of Ethics Don Vicent Bermejo i Frigola w EFPA- Board of Prevention and Intervention Don Francisco LabradorEncinas w EFPA - Board of Assessment Don José Muñiz Fernández w EFPA - Standing Committee on Psychology in Education Don Jose Antonio León Cascón w EFPA - Standing Committee on Traffic Psychology Don Hector Monterde i Bort w EFPA - Standing Committee on Geropsychology Doña Alicia Salvador Montejo w EFPA - Standing Committee on Disaster and Crisis Psychology Doña Anna Maria Romeu Mateu w EFPA Task Force on Sport Psychology Don Enrique Cantón Chirivella w EFPA - Task Force on Community Psychology Doña Maria Isabel Herrera Sanchez w EFPA - Test User Accreditation Committee (TUAC) Doña Ana Hernández Baeza COMITÉ NACIONAL DE ACREDITACIÓN DE PSICÓLOGO ESPECIALISTA EN PSICOTERAPIA w Presidente Don Miguel Ángel Vallejo Pareja w Miembros Comité Doña Cristina Larroy García Don José Ramón Ubieto Pardo Don Manuel Rodriguez Fernández